Monday, January 31, 2011


     Today in class we did a couple things.  First Mr. Schick verified people turning in their homework by doing our first blog(s) and e-mailing him the link to our blog.  We then recapped on the little bit of Guns, Germs, and Steele that we watched.
     Then we watched more of Guns, Germs, and Steele.  The movie showed and talked a lot about the evolution of hunters and gatherers to being farmers and living in established settlements.  The nomadic life of everyone hunting and gathering wasn't reliable enough.  Because of this they gave everyone jobs, planted good food that lasted for a long time, and assigned certain people hunt.  People were assigned jobs this was the first form of organized civilization.  The organized civilization first happened in the middle east during a drought.  Most of the world followed.  People like the people in Papua New Guinea are living like years ago because they have food that is hard to harvest, is not very nutritious, and that has short shelf life.  They also don't have many resources, possibly they are not very globalized. 


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snow Days

The past week we have had a lot of snow.  I did not post a picture because all I have done is shovel until last night when I went sledding at Loch Raven High.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steele Movie

Guns, Germs, and Steele is a movie based on a book written by a UCLA professor.  This professor's name is Jared Diamond.  He is a man that goes to the country very often to watch birds and is an expert on the birds on the island.  He was once asked why the white people have more than the natives by a native.  This lead him to research the topic and then he wrote his book.  The movie was then made.  The movie is about him trying to find out why the technology is where we are, but on the island.  The movie shows the story of him making the discoveries and solving the puzzle.