Sunday, March 6, 2011


     Today in class Mr. Schick showed us a Power Point about modern Egypt.  The Power Point was a good snap shot of what has happened that has led up to the current situation.  It went from basically World War 1 till current day.  Their economy consists of oil, natural gas, tourism,and agriculture on their 3% of their land that is arable.  They grow some good crops and their best crop is cotton.  They have the biggest middle east population.  They have the third biggest population in Africa.  They are 90% Muslim and 10% Coptic Christian. 5th worst country in the world for tolerating religious freedom.  They are the12th worst in the world in religious violence.  Egypt was once UN territory.  Egypt was then declared a republic.  They were then ruled by Gamal Nasser who nationalized Suez Canal the forms allegiance with Soviet Union.  Anwar Sadat came into power after Nasser died and allied with the US, and attacked Israel over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace.  Sadat was then assassinated in 1981.  Hosni Mumbarak then took over, who kept alliance with the US(helped us in the Iraq war); he was accused of corruption, human rights violations, political persecution; driven from office by mass demonstrations last month.  Egypt is currently run by temporary military junta.  Elections are scheduled for September 2011.People want Mubarak arrested for all kinds of crimes including stealing billions from the government. 

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