Saturday, April 30, 2011





                                                    Tarquin the Proud




                                                 Julius Ceaser

                                                            Julius Ceaser


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today we took a pop quiz on what Mr. Schick was suppose to send us.  He sent the wrong thing.  So anyway, I basically failed this quiz.  So we went over some stuff from yesterday...

     Noble Roman soldiers were at the op of the class in society.  Patricians were the aristocratic and also on top.  Plebeians were at the bottom.  Patricians and plebeians wanted to make he laws public so they carved them into the 12 tables and posted them on the public forum.  They had a senate, assembly, and consuls.  The consuls were like presidents and could veto each other.  They were like the monarchy.  They only served one years terms with ten years in between.  The consuls also controlled the army.  At first only patricians could run for the senate and there were one hundred members.  The senate was like the aristocracy.  The senators could serve their entire life.  The assembly was "the lowest" branch of government.  They weren't usually just patricians.  They were like the democracy.  They later came up with the office of dictator which was the "OMG what do we do" branch of government.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today we talked about and reviewed the paper that we read last night and took a ten question pop quiz.  That's right... a pop quiz!!!  I guess it was more or less a reading check.  We did discuss the answers to the questions which are on the previous post.  I got them pretty much right.  Two big discussions were about the pater familias and the republic.  The definitions again, are on the previous post.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     Today we found that Mr. Schick was crazy sick and still felt horrible.  He also said that his break as well as his Easter was horrible.  So after he finished telling us about his lonely Easter and calling me a raccoon because of my sunburn, he told us to read a few pages and do some questions for homework...

republic- a form of government with a leader and committees to make up a government
gravitas- the Latin word meaning of seriousness or dignity
pater familias- the head of a Roman family; "father of the family"
toga- Roman clothing
patrician- a person of aristocracy, richness, or power
plebiean- of or belonging to the commoners or regular people of Rome
legion- a unit of of the acient Roman Army
century- a smaller unit of elite Roman soldier

1.  The geography is a help to them because there is a lot of mountain surrounding a flatter area in Italy.  There is also ocean everywhere.  The mountains were extremely fertile and they were easy to protect.  The ocean gave them those resources.  The flat land gave them plains and places to build cities to run the empire from.

2.  Rome began as a settlement of Latin shepherds.  Greece had a lot of settlements along the coasts of Italy and Sicily and they became close with Rome.  The Etruscans were very civilized and moved into North Italy.  They had writing and were very languisticized (if that's a word).

3.  In Roman society it was good to well educated and rich.  You didn't want to be in the bottom of society.  If you were a man warfare a very much a part of your life.

4.  In the Roman household the oldest capable man in the family was the patrician.  Next came the other men.  It was then the women.  And the children were finally at the bottom.

5.  The army was linked to Roman society because the men usually were part of it when they were capable.  They always wanted to do the best they could and come back a war hero.  This is how there respect for them and their family.  It was honorable to be linked to a war hero or honorable person.


     Today we had a test.  It was pretty hard but I think that I did well on it.  Break Time!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


    On Wendsday we will have a huge test.  I think that this test will be quite tough.  The test is on everything that we have learned since Egypt, which is Greece.  The test involves the project as well as the other stuff that we have learned from Mr. Schick.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today we watched some of a movie called Alexander.  We watched when Alex get his horse and the Battle of Gaugamela.  The battle seen showed how they really fought back then and was completely epic...

    Philip the Second had mistresses and a wife who was Alex's mom, Olymias.  Alex was Philip's oldest son.  Alex said that if he could ride a horse and tame it that his dad would pay for it.  If he couldn't his dad would buy the horse.  He tamed it and named it Bucepules.  The battle of Gaugamela is a pivotal point.  Alex had to use strategy to defeat Darius's Persian Army because the Persians had much greater numbers.  Alex believed that Darius hired his father's assassinator.  A legend about Alex is that a bird of prey flies over when they are getting ready to fight.  Alexander tried to kill Darius and came close in the battle and Darius just ran.  Alex conquered Persia.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


     Today we watched more of the movie.  It was about the time of Socrates fame...

  • Socrates was ugly.
  • Socrates got the Greeks to take the Gods out of being everything.
  • The Greeks learned about the moon and sun.
  • Thales was able to figure out the height of the Great Pyramid by using its shadow.
  • They also wrote the first guide on how to use the stars for navigation.
  • Socrates studied people.
  • Socrates was the first Urban fanatic.
  • Socrates used logic.
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living." 
  • The Spartans invaded Greece and destroyed the farm land.
  • Athens got goods from overseas and they brought plague which killed over a third of the population.
  • The plague killed Pericles.
  • Athens became ruled by the mob.
  • The naval leaders of a one battle came home and was thrown in jail for leaving fallen men after the won battle.
  • Socrates wanted people to calm down but could not sway the assembly.
  • The generals were put to death.
  • The conflict between Athens and Sparta lasted a long time.
  • When Sicily asked for protection from a Spartan ally they did.
  • Athens lost in Sicily because they lost because they had no good strategy because the leaders were undisciplined.
  • Athens was crippled militarily and the Persians saw an opportunity so they payed Sparta who built a fleet.
  • The Spartans blockaded the Athenians.
  • In 404 BC the Athenians finally surrendered.
  • The Athenian walls and fleets were destroyed.
  • Socrates was arrrested on charges of undermining the city and corrupting the youth. 
  • Socrates was blamed for the loss because he questioned what they did.
  • Socrates said that Athens is like a lazy horse and Socrates is like a stinging fly.
  • Socrates demanded free dinners for life for his work.
  • Socrates was condemned to death.
  • Socrates was going to die by Hemlock.
  • As the hemlock was poured his friends broke down and he told them to calm down.
  • Socrates calmly drank the Hemlock.
  • Socrates was a new type of hero to Athens
  • Athens was a good city once more and mob rule ended.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Alexander's Conquest  97
What was his horse's name?... Bucepalus
What did he tell his men to do?...  To marry conquered women
At what age did he die?...  32

Homer  95
Who was Homer?...  An early Greek poet
When did he live?...  Around the 8th century
What two poems is he extremely famous for?...  Iliad and the Odyssey 

We then talked about the story about the people in the cave.  We also watched a video on it.  The people in the cave only see the shadows that are shown to them and so that is the world to them.  When a prisoner is released they go outside and see the real world.  Then he comes back and tells the other prisoners.  They do not believe him because the shadows inside the cave is all they've ever known.


Hellenic Age  95%
What is another name for the Hellenic age?...  Classical age
What kind of art was especially revolutionized?...  Sculptures
What goal was being tried to achieve?...  They wanted to make their art look realistic.

Ancient Greek Battles  90%
What is a phalanx?...  It is a battle formation.
What were hoplites?...  Heavily armed and trained soldiers.
What were mainly used?...  Armor, Spear, Xiphos

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Greek Drama  95%
What is a comedy?...  A funny or mocking play with a happy ending
What was a satyr?...  A small comedy after a tragedy used to lighten the mood
Could women act?...  No

Greek Poetry 98%
How was poetry memorized?..  by song and by story telling
Who was a famous woman poet?...  Sappho
Who is the most famous poet of all?...  Homer

Pericles  100%
Pericles's father and mother; what were they?...  His mother was a member of the royal family and his father was a politition.
What were two religious events celebrated during his golden age?  Panathenaia and Dionysia
How did he die?...  He died from the plegue because after Sparta invaded a wall was built around Athens then illness swept through.

Parthenon  93%
What style was the Parthenon built in?...  Doric
What period was the Parthenon built during?... Classical period
What was built at the entrance?...  A 40 ft statue of Athena

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Alexander the Great  100%
Who was his mother and what did she do for him?...  Her name was Olympias and she told him that he the son of a Greek god.
Who is his father and what was he?...  His father was Philip and he was a well known general who gave Alex his first horse and was later assassinated.    
Who was Alexander's tutor?...  Socrates 

Parthenon  95%
Who designed it?...  Pericles and Phidias
Where is it?...  On the Acropolis in Athens
What style was it built in?..  Doric

Greek Philosophers
Who were the main Greek Philosophers?...  Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato
Who taught Alexander the Great?...  Aristotle
Who is the Socratic method named after?...  Socrates


Acient Greek Art
What is Doric Order?...  A style of architecture that was big and started in the mainland.  (Parthenon)
What is Ionic Order?...  It was thinner and more popular.
What is Corinthian Order?...  It wasn't as popular but was fancier and more expensive.
What are different types of art?...  Architecture, Sculptures, Painting, Pottery

What god were the Olympics in honor of?...  Zeus
Where were the Olympics held?...  Olympia
Who could compete in the Olympics?...  Everyone accept women competed in the Olympics, including poor people and aristocrats.

Monday, April 4, 2011

So I Don't know If We Are Suppose to Post Our Project From Over Spring Break Or Not... But Here It Is... My Rap About Greek Mathematic and Scientific Breakthroughs/Innovations

So anyway at first I was unfortunately assigned,
The breakthroughs in math and science,
So I decided to write a rapp’n rhyme,
About this rap that I was assigned,
So just a brief moment on what this is about,
Alright, Enough, I’m goin in,
C’mon, lets go,
Yeah, alright give me da beat,
The Greeks built the Parthenon,
And the beams of the triremes,
Which were in ports,
It helped develop their courts,
Pythagoras was famous for his right triangle formula,
And figuring out pie,
Archimedes was the one that came up with the law of physical displacement,
Which happens to your face when you hit the pavement,
He also came up with the idea of a screw,
Yeah back then it was brand new,
Yo ok we use it today
Anyway lets keep rappin about a few other important things that happened back in their day,
Not to mention his weapon inventions,
They were extremely crazy and amazing,
This was also when they came up with 0,
Euclid invented geometry,
Ptomely was arguably the best in Greek astronomy,
Stuff they never had a concept of before,
They got conquered by the Romans,
And the same thing happened again a lot more inventions came along,
More inventions then ever before,
Used in war and more things than  ever before,
This stuff helped to build today’s world the way we know it,
Many modern aspects of western modern civilization are modeled after this,
Greeks math and science inovations:
Davies Out.



     Today Mr. Schick came up with his own philosophy... don't wait to eat.  So of-course we ate the projects that we had time for today in class.  I saw Brad and Haley's project which were pretty awesome particularly.  Anyway, we ate cup cake for some reason after a Power Point on the Peloponnessian war was shared.  Another cake was eaten that had Socretes on it with some of his words.

Pelopennesian War  (Sparta Won)
Who was the Pelopennesian war between and why?...  Athens wanted to eliminate Sparta
How long was the Peloponnesian War?...  27 years
Who was the most important victim of the plegue and whatwas it?...  Pericles died along with more that 1/3 of Athens.  The wall that Athen built around themselves had everyone living in close quarters so the plague was devastating.


     Today you could tell that it was the day before spring break.  We took our test two days ago and went over it yesterday.  So today we cleared some things up about Greece.  We also told Mr. Schick what exactly we were doing for our projects.  I told him that I had decided on rapping.  We then joked around a lot of the class and had cookies.


     Today we went over the answers to the test that we took yesterday.  I had heard from others that the test was pretty hard because of the format.  I actually like the format and thought that the test was pretty fair.  I knew that I did well and I did.  I got an A on the test.  It was a good thing to go over because we got to hear the answers.  Morgan kept talking about Sam's nails so Mr. Schick told them that they had some issues to work out. We also got donuts and projects for over spring break.  I am just going to rap about a couple of important thing in math and science for the Greeks.