Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today we took a pop quiz on what Mr. Schick was suppose to send us.  He sent the wrong thing.  So anyway, I basically failed this quiz.  So we went over some stuff from yesterday...

     Noble Roman soldiers were at the op of the class in society.  Patricians were the aristocratic and also on top.  Plebeians were at the bottom.  Patricians and plebeians wanted to make he laws public so they carved them into the 12 tables and posted them on the public forum.  They had a senate, assembly, and consuls.  The consuls were like presidents and could veto each other.  They were like the monarchy.  They only served one years terms with ten years in between.  The consuls also controlled the army.  At first only patricians could run for the senate and there were one hundred members.  The senate was like the aristocracy.  The senators could serve their entire life.  The assembly was "the lowest" branch of government.  They weren't usually just patricians.  They were like the democracy.  They later came up with the office of dictator which was the "OMG what do we do" branch of government.

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