Monday, April 4, 2011


     Today Mr. Schick came up with his own philosophy... don't wait to eat.  So of-course we ate the projects that we had time for today in class.  I saw Brad and Haley's project which were pretty awesome particularly.  Anyway, we ate cup cake for some reason after a Power Point on the Peloponnessian war was shared.  Another cake was eaten that had Socretes on it with some of his words.

Pelopennesian War  (Sparta Won)
Who was the Pelopennesian war between and why?...  Athens wanted to eliminate Sparta
How long was the Peloponnesian War?...  27 years
Who was the most important victim of the plegue and whatwas it?...  Pericles died along with more that 1/3 of Athens.  The wall that Athen built around themselves had everyone living in close quarters so the plague was devastating.

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