Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today we watched some of a movie called Alexander.  We watched when Alex get his horse and the Battle of Gaugamela.  The battle seen showed how they really fought back then and was completely epic...

    Philip the Second had mistresses and a wife who was Alex's mom, Olymias.  Alex was Philip's oldest son.  Alex said that if he could ride a horse and tame it that his dad would pay for it.  If he couldn't his dad would buy the horse.  He tamed it and named it Bucepules.  The battle of Gaugamela is a pivotal point.  Alex had to use strategy to defeat Darius's Persian Army because the Persians had much greater numbers.  Alex believed that Darius hired his father's assassinator.  A legend about Alex is that a bird of prey flies over when they are getting ready to fight.  Alexander tried to kill Darius and came close in the battle and Darius just ran.  Alex conquered Persia.

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 24/25
    2) 25/25
    3) 17/25
    4) 24/25

    Total: 90/100

    I think it would have been helpful to SHOW the class some of the breakthroughs you were talking about with some visuals. Ohterwise, I really liked the rap! Schick out...

    (Your classmates gave you a 91.)
