Tuesday, May 17, 2011


     Today we went over a Power Point about some of the main points of the Kings and Jesus.  Here are my notes:

Augustus started Pax Romana and Rome built and prospered.
Augustus died and passed power to Tiberius.
Jesus was a Roman citizen and practicing Jew.
Jesus argued with high priests and stuff.
"My kingdom is not of this world" worried many Jews and Romans.
Jesus preached to all people especially to poor people.
The governor of the Roman province of Judea, Pontius Pilot.
Paul was an important word spreader about Jesus.
Tiberius was August's stepson and adopted son.
Tiberius hated the Senate.
Tiberius sent Germanicus to calm soldiers and he later killed him because he was powerful.
Caligula was the only survivor of Germanicus's son.
Caligula did good for the people and then startd to fight with the senate, claimed to be a god, and mocked the Jews.
He tried to make his horse a consul, screwed other men's wives during dinner and then bragged about it over desert.
He was then assassinated.
Claudius had some disabilities but was the last adult male in the family and became Emperor.
Claudius conquered Britain, built, renovated, and worked for the people.
His wife messed with some one who wanted to mess with the government he killed them.

I quote Jordan: "Kevin thinks all Muslims are terrorists."  I want to address this issue.  This is not true at all.  We had a discussion about Muslims becoming more of the population.  I said that this could be bad news.  First off I said that there just happen to be more Muslim extremists who use terrorism.  This has a lot to do with it being in the Koran that all who are not orthodox Muslim are horrible people and should be gotten rid of.  Or at least it can be translated this way by the Muslim extremists, and they take it to heart.  They then take action.  So there being more chances of their being more terrorists is bad.  Christians, because of this interpretation would not be treated well.  Indoctrination may would also be started by orthodox or extremist Muslims and it could be indoctrination like the Nazis and the Jews all over again.  Christians would then be looked down upon as the people who were ruining the world because we were different than the extremists.  This is just a dramatic example of what could happen way way in the future.  There is an example in Egypt where Christians are often looked down upon by the 90% Muslim population.  They are extreme rivals.  This is part of what I was trying to explain.  Short and simple: Christians may be looked down upon if the Muslim population goes way over the Christian population.  

PS:  I hopefully will blog about our socialism issue later. 

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