Thursday, May 5, 2011


3 Govs Rolled Into One
Society was made up of plebeians and patricians.
The democracy part part of the government was the assembly which was the least powerful.
The senate was the aristocratic part of the government.
The consuls were the monarchy part of the government.
Legions and other soldiers were also high in society.
After the war with Carthage they they decided that they needed and emergency dictator.
Hannibal was in charge of the Carthaginians and they attacked Rome from the back.

After the Punic Wars
When the soldiers left rich people would seize their properties if they didn't keep up with their payments of something.
The Gracchus Brother attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians. 
The brothers were both assassinated for their attempts.

Julius Ceaser
He was a Roman General and statesman.
He manipulated the government to become a dictator for 10 years.
A guy named Sulla tried to kill him but Julius bribed him.
General Pompey and Crassus had political alliance with Julius.
They both gave him money.
Julius crossed his army over the Rubicon and conquered Gaul.
The senators told Julius to leave his army on the other side and Julius brought his army anyway.
Julius crossig was considered an act of war.
Julius was proclaimed dictator for life.
A group of senators led by Brutus assassinated him.
The assasination resulted in civil war.

Murder of Julius Ceaser
He was stabbed on the Ides of March in 44BC in the theater of Pompey by the senators 23 times.
He had to much power.

Second Triumvirate
Octavious was born into an equestrian family.
His father was the first in the family to  be a senator.
He was a senator under Julius Ceaser.
Lepidus was a patrician and one of Julius's biggest supporters.
Cleopatra was Egypt's last pharaoh.
Octavious, Antony, and Lepidus formed a triumvrant.  They were official.
Cleopatra tried to take over power from Octavious.
Antony slept with Cleopatra.
She later committed suicide.

Augustus made Roman peace in which they prospered.
Roman roads were built.
In coliseums the had gladiator events.  

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