Monday, February 14, 2011


     In class we talked about the test.  We talked about how it was pretty easy and how well we thought we did.  He then told a lot of us how well we did on he multiple choice part.  We then talked about what would make the test easier and better.  After talking about the test we started talking about the current issue in Egypt.  Mr. Schick told us about his friend in Egypt.  We then started researching general historical topics of Egypt.  I did some research on the pyramids.

   Many people think that the pyramids were built by Jewish slaves.  Some of them were, but most of the pyramids were built by the Egyptians themselves.  The pyramids are said to have been built with traps and danger to keep people out.  The pyramids are mainly tombs with hieroglyphics, which is thier style of writing, on the walls.  The traps are to keep people like grave robbers from taking people of honor, pharaohs, and wealthy people out of their tombs.  The people were often put in the tombs with their valuable possessions and jewelry.  This is why the tombs in the past have been so sought after.  The bodies and jewelry have been worth a lot of money on the black market.

To be continued...     

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