Wednesday, February 2, 2011


     Today in class Mr. Schick reminded us about our blogs.  We then watched the movie and talked about it.
     Today in the movie we started at the part about the domestication of animals.  There were many benefits to animal domestication combined with farming.  If these things are done well together, they lead to a good, functioning, and healthy civilization.  The domestacatable animals over 100 lbs are (the spelling is pretty bad): goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, 2 different types of camels, water buffulo, donkey, llamas, reigndeer, yaks, mythons, bali cattle.  The animals gave people milk, clothing, meat, and other necessities.  New Guinea's problem is that they only have one domestacatable animal, the pig.  This animal doesn't pull plows or do work though, and it only got there a couple thousand years ago.  If you have animals helping you you can have people do things other than farming.  This is where technological breakthroughs came from.   

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